Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ben surprised me on Saturday night with a reservation at a quaint little French restaurant near our place. It is called Soleil, and appropriate to its name, has a sunny yellow awning outside. It was there that I tried Poutine, a French Canadian specialty that originated in Quebec. This dish that combines mild cheese curds, french fries, and a brown gravy. It sounds like a bit of a strange combination, but it was SO delicious!! I loved the way the gravy made the french fries just a little soft, and it felt like a whole meal. Soleil actually has a separate menu for Poutine, and offers it with various meats and other toppings, so you really could order it as a meal.

I also ordered Beef Bourguignon, another French dish, that is basically a stew with beef braised in red wine. If you have ever seen Julie and Julia, the character Julie spends the whole night making a perfect Beef Bourguignon, only to fall asleep while it is the oven causing her to burn it it (very cute movie). I definitely want to try cooking this at home. I was really impressed with Soleil, and it was really great to get a little taste of French cuisine in the middle of LA :)

Penelope Anne

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