Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I grew up in a traditional Jewish community, and (confession!) only found out a few months ago that brisket is not so much a dish provided at many a Jewish holiday meal, but is actually a cut of meat. More specifically, brisket is the cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef. There are millions of recipes out there for amazing brisket, and everyone has their own "special" ingredient. Some use Coke, others use  beer. In a fit of domestication, I decided a few weeks ago that I really wanted to make a traditional brisket for Shabbat Dinner. Ben's mom has a wonderful and easy recipe that she gave me, and my favorite part about it is that her "special" ingredient is coffee. The recipe called for barely any work on my part which was really nice. The meat turned out wonderfully, and the only downside was that the brisket that I bought was REALLY fatty (oops). I was advised to go to a butcher next time, and tell them the exact cut I want to get a leaner piece of meat. I really loved the tang of the sauce, and I served the brisket with spinach and sliced potatoes (both regular and sweet) to complete this customary meal.

Onions- sliced in rounds
2-3 bottles of Heinz Chili Sauce
8-10 cups of coffee
Carrots and potatoes (optional)
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Slice the onions and place on the bottom of a oven pan. 
Season the brisket with all the spices and place on the onions. 

Bake uncovered in oven at 375 for about 45 minutes. 
Then cover with chili sauce and coffee.  
If you want add the carrots and potatoes and cover and bake at 350 for about 2 hours or more depending on the size of the brisket. 
About a half hour before you eat, slice the brisket. 
Make sure you cut it against the grain.
Put back in the oven cover and bake for about ½ hour. 

Thank you Ilene Rosen for such a wonderful recipe!

Penelope Anne

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog pen! So cute!! You look so happy:)
    Love you!
    Ps.. Dont forget your favorite baby cousin when you are a world renowned cookbook cutie!
