Sunday, November 11, 2012

Busy Baking Pumpkin Spice Muffins

I have received a few requests to post a recipe for some pumpkin spice muffins I made last week. I am embarrassed to say that this recipe is RIDICULOUSLY easy. So easy in fact, that I felt like I was cheating on flour, eggs, sugar, and the whole principle of baking.

This guilt only lasted a few minutes, because really, sometimes we don't have time to sit there and puree our own pumpkins or bake our own cookies from scratch. Alas, we still crave the delicious smell of sugar and cinnamon wafting in our kitchens, and just want to eat something that came straight out of our ovens. So we turn to the dreaded.....boxed mix. 

I know, I know. I am not a huge fan of using packaged anything, and would much rather cut out anything processed, but sometimes you just have to turn to "busy baking" and use a few shortcuts :)

These muffins were so delicious and the cake mix has such a great blend of spices in it. 

All you need is one can of pumpkin puree...

... one box of spice cake mix

and one egg!

Yup thats it. Blend together, pour into a muffin pan, and bake at 325 degrees for 15 minutes. (High altitude people will have to bake longer, about 25 minutes). The recipe makes these beautiful muffins that make a great afternoon snack. Did I mention they are only 100 calories per muffin? Stay tuned for more of my "busy baking" posts!

Happy Fall!

Pretty Penny

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

S'mores Graham Krispie Treats

Today is a good day. I am savoring my last day off of work by organizing, cooking, and watching the Sex and the City movie for the umpteenth time. It just never gets old.

I also made myself a fancy little mug of coffee with frothed milk and a dash of pumpkin pie spice.

To go with my coffee, I tried a delicious S'mores Graham Krispie Treat recipe that I had to share with you. It is very simple, and oh-so-chocolatey. It is particularly special if you have a fiance like mine who is currently obsessed with S'mores. I found this on Pinterest of course. The original source is the Country Cleaver blog.

S'mores Graham Krispie Treats

1 bag (10 oz) Mini Marshmallows
1 cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips + 1 for topping
1 box (12 0z) Golden Grahams Cereal
6 Tbsp Butter
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla
Non-Stick Cooking Spray

In a 9x9 inch baking pan, spray with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.

In a large non-stick pot over medium heat, melt butter. Add in marshmallows and stir together with butter until marshmallows have melted and become creamy. Stir in vanilla extract.

Fold in grahams cereal until all marshmallows and grahams are evenly mixed together. Mix in 1 cup of chocolate chips. Spread treats into sprayed baking pan. Press into pan and sprinkle remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top of the treats, lightly press into top of treats to make sure they stick. Place into fridge for 10 minutes to cool.

Slice into bars and serve. Devour.

Pretty Penny

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Falling For Fall

Today is the first official day of fall! After experiencing what seemed like an endless summer with temperatures reaching the nineties every day, I am really looking forward to cold weather. This is a particularly special time, because I get to experience my first REAL fall season now that I live in Denver (Sorry California, but you were just faking it).

Here are some fall must haves that will really get you in the mood for this wonderful season :)

Fall Subway Printables
I found this website on Pinterest, where you can get free fall subway printables. Just download, print, and put them in your favorite frame. 

Long Scrunchy Socks
I love the look of socks that scrunch up just over boots. Great way to stay warm in the crisp fall air! You can find these at Free People or Top Shop.

Pumpkin Puree
This is a great item to keep in your pantry. You can use it to make pumpkin bread, dips, cookies, and more!

A Cozy Infinity Scarf
A friend just gifted me this gorgeous scarf, and I am so excited to start wearing it! It has a little sparkle, which is a great way to dress up an outfit.

A Good Book
Sometimes you just need some good chic lit to curl up to. I am currently reading "Where We Belong" by Emily Giffin. A great, heartwarming story :)

The Pumpkin Spice Latte
A very popular fall favorite, this warm and cozy drink offers a nice blend of coffee, nutmeg, and pumpkin. Enjoy with an iced pumpkin biscotti, the previously mentioned book, and a fireplace :)

Stay tuned for yummy fall recipes!

Pretty Penny

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rosh Hashanah and Apfelkuchen

Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) begins tonight, and it is one of my favorite holidays. This is the first time in years I have not had to fly or drive anywhere to be with family, and I am happy to have the time to bake sweet desserts instead!

I found a recipe for Apfelkuchen (German apple cake) in a California Kosher cookbook that was gifted to me a few years ago, and it seemed really simple. I wanted to try something different from the popular honey cake recipe, and so the Apfelkuchen won out. Plus, we have been trying to pronounce "Apfelkuchen" all day, which has provided a lot of entertainment ;)

Unfortunately, the dough did not really come out dough-ey (is that a word?), so I could not press it into the sides of the springpan. The apples baked very nicely though, and the cake tasted delicious with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon-sugar. It also looks pretty! If you decide to try this recipe, play around with the dough portion to make sure it is the right consistency. I'll just blame it on the altitude ;)


2 eggs
1/4 cup butter
1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup sugar
4-5 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
Cinnamon sugar, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix first five ingredients together
3. Pat dough into a buttered 9-inch springform pan and shape a small edge so dough will go up over apples when baking
4. Arrange apples on top of the dough
5. Bake for 1.5 hours. Cool before removing band of springform pan.
6. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top while cake is still hot.

Wishing everyone a sweet new year!

Pretty Penny

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Skinny Spanakopita

I have found so many great recipes on Pinterest, and am finally finding the time to try some of them out. Ben actually made these tonight while I was baking a german apple cake (more about that later!) I had to share this recipe because it is not only so easy, but is SO delicious. These tasty triangles make the perfect appetizer for a party, without the guilt!

Skinny Spanakopita

24 wonton wrappers
10 oz of spinach (I used frozen but fresh would work)
1/2 cup reduced fat feta cheese
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 onion, chopped
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
1 egg white, for egg wash
1 tsp olive oil

1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

2. Heat the olive oil over medium heat and add the garlic, onion, and red pepper flakes.  Once it becomes fragrant, add the spinach.   Saute until just tender.

3. Place the spinach mixture in a bowl and mix in the feta cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4.  Lay out the 24 wonton wrappers on two large cookie sheets sprayed with cooking spray or lined with parchment paper. Fill a small cup with warm water and place it near the cookie sheets.

5. Begin assembling the spanakopita by placing a spoonful of the spinach and feta mixture in the center of the wonton wrapper. Wet the edges of the wonton wrapper with the warm water and fold over and press down to close. Once you have stuffed and sealed all the wonton wrappers, brush lightly with the egg wash or spray with cooking spray.

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes until crispy.

Enjoy :)

Pretty Penny

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cake Mix Cookies

I have had so many life changes the past few months! Ben and I have officially moved to Denver and are happily engaged :) I am really loving it here, and am so glad that I am settled and have more time to blog! I have been trying so many new recipes and I am excited to share them with you.

I tried this recipe when we first moved and it was a DISASTER. I found it on Pinterest, but had no idea that high altitude can affect baking, and learned the hard way with flat, doughy cookies (ew). I tried this high altitude version today, and it was very successful!! Am I officially becoming a Denverite??

Cake Mix Cookies

1 Box of french vanilla cake mix
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup of applesauce
2 Tbsp flour
1/2 cup chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix all ingredients together
3. Scoop cookie mix onto greases pan.
4. Bake for 15 minutes. Makes 20 cookies.

*You can try this with different kinds of cake mixes and get creative! If you don't live in high altitude, omit the extra flour and only bake cookies for 11-13 minutes.

Enjoy :)

Pretty Penny

Monday, March 26, 2012

Roasted Brussel Sprouts With Red Wine Vinagrette

A few nights ago we went to an amazing Mediterranean restaurant that had the most delicious brussel sprouts! I know what you are thinking (did she say brussel sprouts?), but this famously despised vegetable is becoming very trendy in the foodie culture, and is surprisingly REALLY delicious (and good for you too!) This dish was so delicious that I was craving it just a few days later, and  decided to try and re-create it on my own. This is an easy side dish for a weeknight dinner.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts With Red Wine Vinaigrette


Brussel Sprouts
1 lb. brussels sprouts, halved
2 tbsp. olive oil
Sea salt
Garlic powder
Sliced almonds

1/4-1/2 a cup of red wine vinegar
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
Pinch of sugar

1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees

2. Toss brussel sprouts in olive oil, sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder

3. Lay brussel sprouts cut side down on a pan

4. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until brown

5. Toast almonds in a pan (about 5 minutes)

6. Toss roasted brussel sprouts with almonds and vinaigrette


Pretty Penny

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pretty Penny Pantry Makeover

A few weeks ago I decided to organize our pantry. I'd had it with not knowing what was going to fall on my feet or head when I opened the cabinet. Ever go to the market and continually buy brown rice or your favorite snack only to realize you already have 3 boxes sitting in the back of your pantry? I know this has happened to's okay...we don't judge here.

So began the pantry makeover. For this project, I got inspiration from various blogs, and the Container Store became my haven. Here are the steps to my pantry makeover project. But first...

The Before Picture:

I am seriously embarrassed. And this is only two shelves. Getting hives just looking at the clutter! Here is how I tackled this disaster...

Pretty Penny Pantry Makeover

Step 1. I made a list of items that we use on a regular basis like pasta or rice. I then went to the container store and got amazing food storage containers, as well as a soda can holder to use for canned food, and other open containers. The storage container are great because they seal your food in and keep it fresh.

Here is an example of one of the open containers:

Step 2. I used these great label templates from the Better Homes and Gardens website. I printed, cut, and had them laminated. I stuck them onto my containers with tape. I used my label maker for the smaller containers.

Step 3: I took everything out of the cabinets and put all items on my kitchen counter. I then tried to group things according to categories (snacks, breakfast, grains and rice, etc.) This is a great time to throw things away that you don't use or that is expired. Organizer junkies call this "purging".

Step 4: I filled my containers with all of our essentials, and slowly started to organize each shelf. It is kind of a trial and error process. Here is the end result!!

After buying all of the containers and getting the labels ready, the organization part only took about an hour. This is a very doable project. Have a happy Saturday :)

Pretty Penny

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Choco the Monkey Banana Bread

I LOVE when I have a few overripe, brown bananas sitting in my kitchen because that means it is banana bread time!! Bethenny Frankel's Boo Boo Banana bread is my go to recipe when I am craving this moist delicious bread. Fun-fact: Boo-Boo refers to Bethenny's dog Cookie who bears a similar resemblance to my puppy Choco.  Today I decided to experiment a litte. I substituted half of the flour for whole wheat flour, and added flaxseed meal into the mix as well. I finished it off with sliced almonds on the top, and a dash of cinnamon. Hello nutty, chewy, chocolate-y amazingess!! And it's good for you too! You absolutely must try this newly re-named recipe (after my puppy Choco of course).

He totally approves!!

Choco the Monkey Banana Bread
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon smart balance butter
1 cup overripe bananas (2-3 bananas)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup white flour
1/2 cup wheat flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup of bittersweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup of flaxseed meal

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
2. Spray pan with cooking spray. Pour in batter and cover loosely with foil.
3. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, then bake for another 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes our almost clean (moist crumbs are fine).
4. Cool completely, then slice and enjoy with a hot cup of coffee :)

*Some other ingredients you may want to add/substitute: carob chips instead of chocolate chips, use all whole wheat flour, walnuts instead of almonds, fresh blueberries*

Have a deliciously pretty day!

Pretty Penny

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pretty Things

Here are some pretty things that I am loving right now :)

Pale pink satin Toms--remind me of ballet slippers :)

Mismatched Bangles

Lightweight Cream Splendid Longsleeve

Sheer Peasant Skirt

Suede Nude Platforms

Tory Birch Clutch

Have a pretty week :)
Pretty Penny

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pretty Sweet Valentine's Day Treats

Stumped on what to make your honey for Valentine's Day? Here are a few  treat ideas that look and taste pretty :) Click on the dessert title for the recipe!

Conversation Heart Cookies From Martha Stewart

Marshmallow Pops From Becky Bakes

Rice Krispy Hearts From Their Little World

Have a pretty valentine's day!
Pretty Penny

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Household Binder

Well I did it...I attempted my first real organization project, and it was very successful! As I mentioned before, I was inspired to create a household binder after reading a wonderful organizing blog. In her blog, iHeartOrganizing, Jen explains step by step how to create a household binder to keep everything you need in one place! Can't remember where your checkbook is? Look in the binder! Need the contact info for your dog walker? Look in the binder! Can't find that awesome groupon you bought months ago? get it.

I loved  this project because it was so easy, and I was able to get creative. I think it is the perfect starting point for anyone who really wants to start organizing, but doesn't know where to begin or is simply too overwhelmed. This is how I did it:

Our Household Binder:

I went to Office Depot and picked out a cute and colorful binder. I also bought a label maker, label sheets, and dividers that have pockets in them.

I created a fun label using Word, and printed it out on one of my label sheets. Then I cut it out and stuck it on the binder. This adds some personalization :)

I printed divider tabs with all of the categories I needed. I chose Home, Life, Finances, Choco, and Coupons based on what I needed to organize. 
Home includes anything to do with our apartment including lease information
Life includes calendars, to do lists, gym membership info, etc.
Finances include our bills, pay stubs, and our checkbooks, which fit nicely in the divider pockets
Choco includes anything to do with our puppy
Coupons...self explanatory :)

 Other sections you may wish to include are contacts, calendars, or food. The possibilites are endless!

The pocketed dividers are so useful, as you don't have to hole punch everything. I love that I can grab any of the coupons I need before leaving the house, and I know EXACTLY where to find them.

The dividers have a back pocket as well, which is a great place to put any instruction booklets you have for household or kitchen electrics. I put this in the home section.

Our dog Choco is an important part of our lives, and comes with TONS of paperwork! I now have a place to put all of his veterinary forms, adoption forms, and any Petco coupons we stumble upon!

I created a personalized to do list, and added this in the Life section. I also created a personalized apartment project list which goes in the Home section. This is proving to be very helpful since we are moving in a few weeks, and have a lot of little things to do around our apartment.

This project took me under an hour, and is very easy to do! The best way to organize is to start with small projects that are easy to accomplish. Good luck getting organized, and stay tuned for my future projects!

Pretty Penny

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pretty Cute Date Ideas

It is so fitting that I happened upon the sweetest dating blog today, as Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I got a little inspired, so here are ten fun/romantic/active dates that Ben and I have gone on, or plan on trying. What are some unique dates you have gone on lately?

1. Morning hike then brunch at favorite cafe

2. Basketball or baseball game depending on the season. A nice activity that can break up the week. Treat yourselves to some good ol' hot dogs or nachos.

3. Romantic cooking class for 2 (If you live in LA, Chef Eric is amazing!)

4. Bollywood movie and Indian takeout (We looooove indian food. you can choose any other movie theme night)

5. Make your own healthy smoothie then go to the dog park. Sip and relax while dog plays! (great for summer, wonderful if you have an outrageously energetic dog such as my own).

6. Dessert night on the beach. Bring a blanket, music, wine, and a sweet treat. Relax under the stars :) If you don't live near the beach, find a nice lookout spot over the city.

7. Museum Night. Check out an exhibit that strikes your fancy, then go to a wine bar afterwards and do some tasting.

8. Farmers Market. Go to a farmer's market and get all the ingredients you need for a new dinner recipe. Cook that night together using all of your fresh ingredients.

9. Game Night. Relive your childhood a little. Make your own pizzas and play some of your favorite games. Great idea for a group date. Have a sundae bar at the end and dig in!

10. Dinner and a Movie. A true classic, and one of my faves. Make it more interesting by going to a documentary or foreign film screening. Try a dinner that you can take part in, like fondue or Shabu Shabu (Japanese hot pot).

Pretty Penny