Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Recipe for a Good Day

I can't put my finger on exactly why, but this has been a tough week. Classes are really slow, and I am feeling particularly uninspired. It seems like I have had a few bad days that are culminating to form a general bad week. I found this cute "recipe for a good day" on another blog, and it got me thinking...

"Don’t make any plans. do the things you need to do. friend calls you, wants something fun to do. suggest a hike at a local state park. call other friends. apply bug spray, suntan lotion. pick up food. pick up friends. listen to interesting radio music while sitting through absurdly slow traffic. arrive at park. hike five mile long trail through forest. sweat. drive to restaurant. eat. drink. ice cream"

I realized that we ultimately control our "bad weeks" because we can always plan something to look forward to or something that will make us happy, turning around a particularly frustrating week. Everyone keeps telling me that keeping a positive attitude is what it's all about, but this is easier said than done. Like most things in life, sometimes we just need instructions. Here are some ingredients for my "recipe for a good day", or for simply turning around a bad one.

Take a yoga class. Read a chick lit book (Something Borrowed...so good!). Watch You-Tube videos of babies laughing. Snuggle with my puppy. Take a long walk while listening to my favorite artist. Start a gratitude journal. Bake cookies (always a good one). Phone my best friend. Phone my Dad (he always makes me feel like I can do anything). Volunteer. When all else fails, take a bubble bath, eat some chocolate, and know that tomorrow is always another day!

What does your recipe look like?

Penelope Anne

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