Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Fun

Hey Pretties!

How gorgeous is this tree? I snapped a picture of it on my way into the school this morning. Fall is definitely here!

I have been doing an awful job blogging this week :( I am still working on transitioning to wordpress and it is taking longer than I thought. I have had a great week so far, and have way more energy than I did last week. Ben and I are still continuing our pescatarian diet and it is really working for us.

This week we began our unit on Fall with the kiddos. We decorated pumpkin cutouts with pumpkin seeds and tissue paper, and I brought in little pumpkins for them to look at through a set of colored magnifying glasses I ordered for them. They LOVE playing with the pumpkins :) I actually couldn't find the pumpkins yesterday during clean up time, and finally realized that one of the kids "cleaned up" the pumpkins by putting them in the shelf with the blocks. How cute and funny is that? They make me laugh everyday.

This is the bulletin board scarecrow my co-teacher made. She rocks!

I took an awesome yoga class yesterday with the same teacher from last Wednesday's class. He started the class by telling us he had something different in store for us, and proceeded to pop in a CD of a pre-recorded yoga class. At first I thought "Seriously? I did not come here to have you not teach the class and use a CD instead." But the class ended up being so challenging and amazing! The recording was of a yogi named Rusty Wells who teaches yoga in San Francisco, and sometimes has 200-300 people in his classes. I was super impressed and felt balanced and sore afterwards.

I am really really looking forward to the weekend because I get to meet my best friend Mimi's new baby Talia! She is only 4 months and I cannot wait to hold her. We are also seeing a bunch of friends and my good friend Talia (yes, another Talia) is getting married on Sunday. It is going to be a great getaway weekend for us :)

Another photo to leave you with. So lucky to be living in "Colorful Colorado"!

Pretty Penny

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