Friday, October 4, 2013

From Seventy Degrees to Forty

I have been super busy this week! Had some amazing girl time the past two nights and it was so needed. Unfortunately I have not been cooking at all, so I have no recipes to share :(

The weather has been a little cooky was below forty and snow-raining here today, after being in the high seventies all week. I love the cold weather, and am really getting excited for the first real snow! The kids all came bundled up and it was beyond cute. Ben visited my class and read to them. They totally loved it! He read "Hands Are Not For Hitting" and and ABC book. The little boys get so excited when there is a guy in the class!

Tonight we are going to my in-laws for shabbat dinner and I am so looking forward to eating some delicious challah and warm soup as the temperature drops outside. I LOVE friday nights and celebrating shabbat. It is the best way to wind down a busy week and spend time with family.

Tomorrow I have a friend's bridal shower and then spending the rest of the weekend with my man. Crossing my fingers that my wordpress site will be up and running sometime next week.

More recipes to come soon...happy weekend everyone!

Pretty Penny

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