Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Little Man Baby Shower

Happy Saturday Pretties!

This morning I attended my friend Adriane's baby shower. She is eight and a half months pregnant and glowing! The shower was based on a "Little Man" theme, as they are having a boy. It was thrown by her two very good friends, and sister-in-law.

This shower was beyond cute, and the hosts kept the "Little Man" theme and neon blue, green, and orange color scheme throughout the party. Here is the invitation displayed in front of matching colorful centerpieces. Adriane's sister-in-law had a graphic artist create the invitation design, then printed the actual invitation on Tiny Prints. Notice the "little man" cups too!

There were "Little Man" plates and napkins as well! How adorable are the mustaches?

We snacked on yummy quinoa salad, pasta salad, fruit, and caprese skewers. There were little cupcakes too :)

Eventually we went downstairs to watch Adriane open her presents and play a little bingo gift guessing game. I just loved looking at all the cute baby clothes she got. I mean how can tiny little jeans and sweaters not make you swoon? Here is a close up of the centerpieces. I thought they were simple yet creative, and brought so much color to the shower.

Here is the Momma-to-be with her sister-in-law Rachael. Of course Rachel even managed to wear an outfit matching the blue and orange color scheme of the shower. Love that!!

Another picture of Rachael, Adriane, and I.

We each got a gift-card shower favor that is good for a free scoop of ice cream from a shop called Little Man Ice Cream. Seriously how precious...swooning again.

I really enjoyed this shower, and it was so special to see a room filled with Adriane's many girlfriends from high school, college, and beyond. I chatted with some great girls, and cannot wait to meet Adriane and Josh's little nugget!

Pretty Penny

1 comment:

  1. That's such a lovely baby shower. Mommy to be is really very lucky and so is the new born. Gender reveal party of my friend last year was also so much fun. Her husband did all the arrangements at one of the alluring rental spaces for parties single handed. Blue and pink ribbons were perfect. Recently gave birth to a princess and she named her Kyrie.
