Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One of Those Nights...

You guys...this is just going to be one of those nights. The kind of night where you blow dry just your bangs because you are too dang lazy to finish the rest, where you get takeout, or as Ben puts it, "you deserve a glass of whiskey while waiting for takeout, so you just get one."

Ohh we had all these plans tonight. We were going to try a new recipe for this delicious looking loaded vegetable stew served over cous cous. I was going to blow dry ALL of my hair. We were going to go out salsa dancing till the wee hours of the morning.

(Just kididng. I wish we were that cool)

But then the vet took a billion more hours than we thought and I drove home just before 6pm, exhausted and praying that Chloe didn't puke in her crate during the drive. Like I said...just one of those nights.

So instead I took a nice hot, ultra-sanitizing shower to wipe off the applesauce, preschool boogers, and gross vet smell I was covered in. I also lit my oil warmer and filled it with lavender. You need to get one of these! They are a great way to use essential oils and create an instantly relaxing atmosphere. Love!

The good news is that both of our dogbabies are very healthy (yay), Chloe just needs a routine teeth cleaning and we have to manage Choco's anxiety a little better. We are going to try some anti-anxiety meds (I know this sounds CRAZY, but we are seriously running out of options and don't want him to suffer). I am super grateful that they are healthy and happy, even if healthy dogs still cost sooo much $$$$$.

But we love them so its worth it. Here is a winning shot of Chloe getting checked out. What a cutie. The vet was so nice, and told us she is from Israel originally. She is the first one to understand where Choco's name comes from. Love her!

Ben is home with dinner. Time to inhale some food because this girl is hungryyyy!
Have a wonderful night everyone!

Pretty Penny

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