Saturday, August 10, 2013

Euro-moon Part Dos: Marbella, Spain


This week has been heeeeccccctic. Summer is ending and I will be setting up my new classroom next week, PLUS I was super busy changing my name at the social security office and the DMV. Fun fun.

But lets not talk about that.

Lets focus on the gorgeous city that is Marbella, Spain, the second stop on our Euromoon. Sparkling blue ocean, gorgeous weather, endless pool options, and massages. Oh please take me back....

Marbella is a city located in Southern Spain in the principality of Malaga. Most people are not super familiar with it, but it is a hotspot for Europeans going on "holiday".

We stayed at the Hotel Puente Romano, and guys, I have honestly never been anywhere so beautiful or felt so pampered. It sat right on the beach and had the most spectacular landscaping with exotic trees and flowers, and peaceful coy ponds running through it. We even had some swans visit us at the nearby pond during breakfast one morning.

Hello, gorgeous.

We spent our days laying on the beach and hopping from pool to pool, eating lunch overlooking the ocean, and ended most afternoons with a coffee and something sweet.

 Swoon! My husband is so handsome.

"But what about the food?", you ask. AMAZING. For lunch, we dove into fresh salads and grilled fish. Most meals lasted for about three hours, and the waiters looked at us so strangely when we declined coffee and dessert. I mean really, who can eat that much in one sitting?? (Read: anyone who lives in Spain).

Can you believe this chicken paella? I mean seriously, they had to basically roll me out of the restaurant after this meal...

We ventured into town one day for some gelato, window shopping, and yacht-watching. People were walking around, picking up a purse at Fendi or some Ferragamo shoes, then hopping into their Bentleys and heading back to their huge beachfront mansions. No big deal.

I also found a little stand on the beach that boasted five types of magnum ice cream bars. Sun beating down on you, sandy beach, sticky sunscreen, and a chocolate magnum with almonds? Done.

We spent our nights eating dinner at one of the six gourmet restaurants the hotel had to offer. We loved the asian and moroccan restaurants. Yes, I had dessert every night!

By the time we left for Italy, we were tan and relaxed.

Ahhhh, wedded bliss....

Next up: Firenze!!

Mrs. Pretty Penny Rosen

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