Saturday, September 7, 2013


I had such a wonderful birthday yesterday. It is soo nice when your birthday falls on a Jewish holiday and you have the day off from work :)

We started the day by trying out a new brunch place called Mona's in the LoHi area. Mona's flirty legs hanging over the door, as well as her food, did not disappoint

I ordered the orange brioche french toast. It was fluffy with a hint of citrus and served with pure vermont maple syrup. It's a really good thing that calories don't count on your birthday.

I also had this iced latte, which was so necessary on this 90 degree day. When am I not drinking an iced latte?

After brunch we went to Ben's Aunt Jodi's house for Rosh Hashanah lunch. She had a birthday banner up, and ordered me this beautiful chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. I love the flower :)

My parents sent me these beautiful flowers. I didn't notice at first, but they are in the shape of a little dog. How cute :) 

After lunch I got a mani/pedi and we ordered chinese food and ate it on the couch. It was the perfect birthday. Tonight we are celebrating some more by meeting some friends for drinks. See your pretty faces tomorrow!

Pretty Penny

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