Monday, September 23, 2013

Honey Whole Wheat Pumpkin Bread

Happy Fall Pretties!

I am so looking forward to fall in Denver. We actually have seasons here--I'm talking chilly temps and gorgeous autumn changing leaves, something I am so not used to. I am already feeling a chill in the air and it makes me absolutely giddy. I am definitely looking forward to hiding in a chunky scarf and unearthing my boots and sweaters from our basement. So in the spirit of my favorite season,  I tried a this pumpkin bread recipe, and it did not disappoint!!

This delicious bread came out moist and bursting with flavor from the nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger. I also used a new spice I got from Penzeys Spices called cake spice, that is made up of star anise, china cinnamon, and cloves. YUM-O!!

I adapted this recipe and made it a little healthier by using 1 cup of ww flour and 3/4 cup of oat flour. I also used apple sauce instead of oil, and added bittersweet chocolate chips (of course). I have to tell you that you will not miss the oil AT ALL. The applesauce and pumpkin both do a fine job of keeping it moist. You can add flax meal or walnuts instead of chocolate chips for a nuttier texture.

Happy Baking!

-Pretty Penny

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