Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Ahhh. I love a lazy, rainy sunday.

This morning I went to Sprouts (love that place!) and came home to make lunch and bake cookies. I've been reading the Eat Live Run blog and in some of her earlier posts Jenna talks about these Super Charge Me Cookies. They sounded so good, and I really needed a new (healthy) cookie recipe that wasn't the same-old oatmeal raisin.

The recipe if from the Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan cookbook, but can be found here as well. I adapted it by using oat flour instead of spelt flour because that is what I had on hand.

 I love that this recipe uses almond butter and maple syrup. And chocolate of course!

Almost ready to eat!

Yum. Excited to pack one of these for lunch at work tomorrow.They came out deliciously sweet and very nutty. 

I'm off to a yoga class and will be back later to make a yummy new recipe for dinner, so stay tuned!

Pretty Penny

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