Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Sunday Book Review

So I finished The Storyteller last night. It took me two days to read this book because I I love historical non-fiction with a side of mystery, and a lot of Jodi Picoult's novels are like that. She just sucks you in from page one and you're a goner.

I had no idea that this book had anything to do with the Holocaust or WWII, but (without giving too much away) it focused on the Nazi Germany, and how so many SS soldiers escaped and moved to the US and basically started there lives over without any consequences for their actions. The book is written from the perspective of a few different characters which is a style of writing I love.

And of course somehow Ms. Picoult ties in a love story as well. Now go make some tea, clear your schedule, and read this book!

Pretty Penny

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