Thursday, September 26, 2013


I overhead a preschooler use this word once, and it explains just how I feel today.

It turns out my little students gave me their awful little colds (I do teach them to share, don't I?) I woke up this morning with a painful sore throat and cough, and have been sleeping for most of the day. And reading My Life in France, of course.

Those who know me well know that I have an awful immune system when it comes to children. I guess this is my burden to bear because I love kids so much!! Last year I had three sinus infections and numerous stomach flues, and one year I even got pneumonia after a bad case of the flu. Ugh.

I finally opened my eyes for long enough to take a hot shower and write this post. My sweet sweet husband made me a faux chicken and veggie soup, so I am looking forward to eating that for dinner. He found chicken-less chicken broth at Whole Foods so I will let you know how it tastes.

My appetite has not been great and all I've had today was a blueberry banana smoothie and some leftover (and pretty dry) mac n'cheese. Yuckaroo indeed.

Pretty Penny

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