Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday Fun & A Restaurant Review

I have had the most productive Saturday! I realllly wanted to stay in bed and read all day, but I got off my butt and ran some errands so I could free up my day a little tomorrow. I did my grocery shopping, laundry, and met one of my favorite people (Bre) to get a mani/pedi. It is still a thousand degrees here, so Iced lattes were also involved. We had the best chat, and it reminded me how much I love girl time.

I also picked up Sammy the Spider's First Simchat Torah for to read to my kids next week. The library ordered it for me from another branch. LOVE that! The whole Sammy the Spider series is SO cute.

I wanted to tell you guys about the awesome dinner we had at Watercourse Foods a few nights ago. It is an all vegetarian restaurant with some vegan options, and it was so yummy! We ordered veggie/tofu potstickers to start, then shared sweet potato/black bean tacos and a veggie panini that had beets and zucchini in it. This girl was in veggie heaven!

I really love Denver because there is literally something for everyone, especially if you are an organic foodie like me!

I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon reading The Storyteller (the Jodi Picoult book I picked up at the library). OMG I read three hundred pages yesterday!! I seriously can't put it down. Will let you know what I think once I am finished.

Happy Saturday Pretties!!
Pretty Penny

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