Saturday, September 28, 2013

Productive Saturday with a side of Paleo Muffin

I am so very happy to report that I am feeling better and finally got some things done today. I hate being unproductive and have a serious case of cabin fever since I have been holed up and sick for the past two days.

First I want to update you on our pescatarian diet and how it is going. Our No Chicken-Chicken Broth was FANTASTIC and all I have been eating is the veggie soup Ben made with this broth. So glad, because this was the one thing I was pretty reticent to give up--every Jewish girl loves herself a bowl of chicken soup.

I honestly have not felt like I've been missing anything in the meat deparment, and we haven't run out of fun recipes and dinner ideas so far. Tonight we are going to a friend's birthday dinner at a Mexican restaurant so I'll let you know how that goes!

My day began with a huuuge bowl of oats and a grocery shop for the coming week. Then I came home and had some veggie soup with whole wheat noodles and went to the Apple store because my computer has been acting funky. The genius guy was very helpful and I realized I had wayyy to many videos stored on my laptop and the poor little guy was yelling at me that it was just too full (The computer, not the genius guy). So I left the mall with 70 GB that I did not have previously, and the knowledge of how to back up my computer. Pretty priceless info I would say.

Then Ben and I went on a coffee date. We made a pact to "coffee hop" (is that a thing?) on the weekends and find new and exciting coffee joints around denver. I had a vanilla soy latte and we shared a delish paleo muffin. "Paleo" refers to a paelolithic diet. I just know this because we googled it. That's about all I know, other than the muffin was YUM! After that we went to the bookstore to get a book for me on Wordpress. I am currently transferring this blog to Wordpress (yay!!) which is the bigger, better version of blogger and will allow you guys to comment and explore my blog more easily. It is a lot of work but I am super excited to reveal it to you when I am finished.

I also feel like an internet cave-woman who has been hibernating for the past few years and literally knows nothing about websites or blogging, so bear with me!

Anyhoo, sorry for the all over the place post, but that's just the mood I am in I guess. It could be due to the Robitussin DM or the 2 shots of espresso.

Or both?

Have a happy saturday :)

Pretty Penny

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