Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grocery Store Favorites

Day 2 of some very high energy toddlers! They all slept like angels for almost two hours today while it rained outside so I really can't complain. They all looked very cute and cozy :)

After work I ran a few errands and now I'm home drinking a cup of tea and snuggling with the doggies. I am really loving this weather.

This past weekend we were able to do our grocery shop at Whole Foods, which is a real treat because it can be pretty expensive and has a huge variety of organic and non-processed foods, so I don't have to search as many aisles or read as many labels.

Ben and I started to eat more organic food at home a few months ago, and we have slowly incorporated it into our lifestyle. We feel pretty strongly about the use of pesticides in produce and how it affects your health, and we like to read the ingredients in our food and actually understand what goes in it!

Pretty much all the food we have in our home is organic, but we try to do everything in moderation. I would be a very unhappy girl if I couldn't go out for my favorite sushi, italian food, or frozen yogurt. There are some weeks when we are strapped for time and may not be able to go to a market with the biggest organic selection, so we shoot for anything non-processed and as natural as possible. The bottom line is, we do our best and don't obsess :)

So that's my rant on organic food! Now on to some of my favorite grocery store items.

Unsweetened Coconut
This stuff is soo yummy, and so much better for you than the sweetened kind. I love putting it in my yogurt or baking with it. I use these for my coconut macaroons, Ben's favorite recipe.

Steel Cut Oatmeal
You all know from my previous post how much I am loooving oatmeal right now. It provides a filling breakfast with a ton of fiber that offers many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease. And it tastes amazing! I prefer steel cut, as it has a nuttier and chewier texture.

Dr. Praeger's Spinach Pancakes
I love bringing these to work. They are a good way to get in some veggies if I don't have time to make a salad, and they are quick and easy to prepare. They also have a kids version in cute veggie shapes.

So Delicious Coconut Milk Ice-Cream Sandwiches
These mini sandwiches are only 100 calories each, and the coconut milk gives them a sweet and creamy texture. They are perfect for my nightly sweet cravings!

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
I heart almond milk! I use this for everything: In my coffee and tea, in my oatmeal, and whenever I make waffles or pancakes. I like the subtle hints of vanilla it adds to anything I use it for.

Try these items the next time you go to the store, and please let me know what you think!

Pretty Penny

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