Monday, September 16, 2013

Potato Peel Pie?

Hi Pretties!

Hope you're all having a good Monday! I had a good day with the kiddos and a nice workout after work. Our power went out during the last hour of the day.This rain is doing some crazy things. I am going to try a new recipe for dinner tonight using soba noodles, so I will let you know how that goes!

I wanted to let you know about a really good book I'm reading. It's called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (say that ten times fast!) It is a beautiful novel set right after World War II and written in the form of letters between a writer named Juliet, her dear friends, and the members of a little town named Guernsey located on the channel islands. It is a great read if you like historic novels, and it delves into the hardships of WWII, while staying lighthearted and humorous. I haven't finished it yet but I am really liking it so far. I also found out that they may be making a movie based on the novel, but I don't think any movie can do this wonderful writing justice. So go read it!

Pretty Penny

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