Thursday, September 19, 2013

Libraries and Dogbabies=Perfect Day

Today was the perfect day! I had work off, so I slept in and had a big bowl of my yummy maple almond butter oatmeal. After breakfast I took the dogbabies for a nice 45 minute walk, then dropped them off at the groomer. They were sooo stinky! The groomer was having a little "dog grooming academy" going on today, so the girls who groomed the pups were actually in training, and I got $20 off grooming. Nice!

I then treated myself to a cool and creamy iced soy latte. The Peets Coffee near my house has this amazing coconut syrup that is actually only offered during summer, but the baristas love it so much that they requested to have it ordered year-round. Totally made my day, as I was craving a coconut iced latte! I snacked on van's granola bar with it. Yum!

Then I went to sign up for a library card (finally!). I absolutely cannot buy any more books because I finish them so quickly, and have no more room in our condo for them! The Cherry Creek library is so beautiful and modern inside...I was like a kid in a candy store. I spent about an hour there and went a little bananas.

I got some books to read to the kiddos during circle time. I really wanted Sammy Spider's First Simchat Torah but they didn't have it. They ordered it for me though, so I'm picking it up tomorrow!

I picked out these for myself. I chose Julia Child's autobiography "My Life in France", a book called "The Storyteller" by Jodi Picoult, and a cookbook called "Veganomicon" that I have been wanting to look at for a few weeks now. Who new that libraries had entire cookbook sections???? Life changed.

I just picked up the babies from the groomer, and they look and smell terrific! 

Choco is a little peeved that he had to get groomed.

Now I'm going to lounge around and read until Ben gets home. We are going to have a date night tonight which I am so excited for because we are trying out a new restaurant here called Watercourse Foods. Ben has been gone all week for business, so I'm looking forward to having some quality time with him.

Stay tuned for my review on dinner. Have an awesome thursday pretties!

Pretty Penny

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