Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's Raining, It's Pouring

 I don't know why, but whenever it rains or snows, the kids start bouncing off the walls. They have some weird internal clock that screams "cabin fever!!" as soon as the weather begins to change.

I love rainy afternoons. It makes me want to bake something yummy, enjoy a cup of tea, and curl up with a book. It rarely rains in Denver because it is so dry, but the smell of the rain on the pavement today made it feel like fall. I can't wait for chunky sweaters and everything pumpkin!

I had an amazing acupuncture session after work, and really want to share this amazing tool with you guys because it really changed my life. A few months ago (right before our wedding) I started getting really bad upper back/shoulder/neck pain. It was so bad that I couldn't move my neck at all, and NOTHING helped. I went to tons of doctors and did physical therapy, but everything was so temporary. Weeks turned into months, and before I knew it I was back from my honeymoon and still in pain.

A doctor asked if I had tried acupuncture, and my reply was of course "No--I really don't like needles". She felt very strongly that I was a really good candidate for it because of my very high stress levels, and I was willing to do anything at that point!

I found a wonderful acupuncturist named Joanna, who put me right at ease. The needles felt like a little tap, and she did a mixture of cupping, acupressure, massage, and meditation with me. I felt like a new person afterwards, and the pain went away immediately. I have been going for a few weeks now and my overall stress levels have decreased significantly, and my pain is almost fully gone. I am so thankful for Joanna, and plan on exploring chinese medicine more.

Have a good night everyone!

-Pretty Penny

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