Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Ben and I were really in the mood to watch a movie the other night, but nothing looked good, so we settled on a documentary called Food Inc. It was AMAZING, and pretty life changing. It focused on the few large corporations that have complete control over the food industry--particularly meat and poultry. They even went into chicken and cow farms (if that's what you want to call them), and I had to close my eyes during these parts. It is seriously horrifying the way these animals are treated. So spoiler alert: This movie can get a little graphic!

Food Inc. really validated why we have chosen to eat only organic, cage-free chicken and eggs. We don't eat red meat at home, and will definitely not be eating it out anymore :( I was shocked to find out about the veil that exists between our food and where it really comes from. I highly encourage you to watch this eye-opening film!

Pretty Penny

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