Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Forks Over Knives

This week is going by so quickly! Tomorrow is technically my friday because I have Thursday and Friday off (such a tough life I know).

So I have a few updates for you all! After we watched Food Inc. Ben and I became very interested in food documentaries, and watched Forks Over Knives. They actually held a viewing of this at UCLA when I was in grad school but I didn't end up going. It focuses on a whole foods, plant-based diet and how the western diet is basically causing a ton of chronic diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart issues. It was really fascinating and based on research done by a few very knowledgable and experiences doctors. It wasn't as graphic/sensationalized as Food Inc., but was pretty grounded in evidence, and another eye-opener.

So for the update...Ben and I have decided to try being pescatarian (no meat no chicken, just fish) for two weeks!!!! (I know what you think...are you guys crazy????). For me it is not really a huge change because I can't bring meat lunches to work anyways because of kashrut reasons, and I don't eat a ton of meat to begin with. We just really wanted to see how we can incorporate more veggies into our diet, and how to find non-meat protein sources.

We both had a lengthy discussion about dairy and eggs, because according to this kind of diet you really should avoid these as well, but let's get real: I could NEVER live without cheese, yogurt, or a comforting plate of scrambles eggs on toast every once in awhile. I mean even I have my limits.

So we started our pescatarian diet on Sunday and so far it has been great. I will try to post as many meals as I can to let you know how it is going.

Last night we ate homemade black bean burgers (recipe from the Veganomicon cookbook), roasted sweet potatoes, and sautéed spinach.

Tonight we are having cod with zucchini and carrots, and Farro. I will let you know how it turns out!

Happy Tuesday!
Pretty Penny

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