Sunday, September 8, 2013

Breathe In Breathe Out

This glorious 4-day weekend is sadly coming to an end. We spent the day cleaning and organizing, and I thought it would be wonderful to end the weekend with an afternoon vinyasa class at a new gym I am trying out.

Boy was I wrong. It was like a million degrees in the studio, and we were literally packed in like sardines. I mean there was maybe an inch between each mat. I totally appreciate if you are one who loves practicing yoga by doing chaturangas in a sweaty room on top of the yogi next to you, but that is so not for me. The instructor kept telling us to breathe and I was thinking "It's too hot to breathe!!" Needless to say I walked out early, super disappointed.

So I came home and made Tempeh. Tempeh is basically fermented soybeans formed into a patty-like shape. It is packed with protein, which makes it a great meat alternative for vegetarians. I have recently stopped eating red meat, and rarely eat chicken, so I have been looking for other protein sources in my diet.

It is really hard to take a pretty picture of tempeh. It just isn't the most aesthetically pleasing food. 
The first thing I did was cut the tempeh into strips.

Then I marinated it in teriyaki sauce. I put kind of a lot because I was really nervous about this tasting super awful. I cooked it on a pan with a little sesame oil until it was nicely browned on all sides.

So it came out tasting pretty good. It definitely has a nutty texture, and the teriyaki sauce blends nicely with the natural tempeh flavor. It does have sort of a bitter aftertaste BUT I didn't hate it! I'm going to try it for lunch tomorrow with leftover veggies that we had in the fridge.

Happy Sunday :)
-Pretty Penny

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